If magic mode is not acting as expected, couple of things can help Metronaut better listen to you while you play:
- Most of the time when magic mode has difficulties following you, your phone or tablet microphone is not hearing you. Fortunately you can increase the microphone input volume: While in a performance screen, drag the settings bar and go to the Volume tab. From there, choose Audio input and then increase the microphone gain from 0.0 to 6.0.
- If you have already increased the microphone gain, and you are using your device’s internal speakers, it is also possible that the feedback of the accompaniment into the microphone is too loud and covers your solo (on some devices internal speakers are build right next to the microphone).
Note: Users on iPad Pros, iPhone 7, 8, X and 11 can experience audio problems in their recordings especially when playing low instruments. This is due to a new technical issues related to hardware. We are testing solutions for a future release. Meanwhile, if you use headphones or external speakers the problem will disappear.
We recommend plugging headphones or external speakers in for a better experience.
If the problem persists, please write us at feedback@antescofo.com